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The Best House Cleaning Service

Choose us to clean your home and just relax!

The Best House Cleaning Service
The Best House Cleaning Service

About Us

Have you heard of Precious Diamond Cleaning Services, LLC? We offer a full range of cleaning services that you can depend on. Our team provides good quality service at a fair price, using high-quality products and equipment, and delivering results that speak for themselves every single time.

We take the time to understand your needs for your spaces to deliver the best possible service. No matter the occasion, we will get every corner of the property dusted, sanitized, and organized for you.

Plus, we are licensed and insured. If you want to make your daily life a little bit easier, don’t hesitate to contact Precious Diamond Cleaning Services, LLC today.

Shine Bright like a Diamond!

Transform Your Home with Precious Diamond Cleaning

Discover a new level of cleanliness and comfort with Precious Diamond Cleaning. Our dedicated team delivers the best house cleaning service, leaving your home impeccably clean and inviting.
The Best House Cleaning Service
Based on 1 reviews
carmela crawford
carmela crawford
Agatha and her crew are friendly, honest, efficient and they pay attention to detail. They have been cleaning my house for over a year and I am very happy.
Michael R.
Michael R.
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"Precious Diamond Cleaning is a game-changer! Their team was prompt, courteous, and left my home sparkling clean".
Sarah W
Sarah W
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"Absolutely thrilled with the service from Precious Diamond Cleaning!"
David M.
David M.
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"I can't say enough good things about Precious Diamond Cleaning. From start to finish, their communication was excellent, and the results were outstanding. I'm extremely satisfied with their service."
Jessica S.
Jessica S.
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"Precious Diamond Cleaning is simply the best!"
Emily C.
Emily C.
Read More
"I'm so impressed with Precious Diamond Cleaning! Definitely a repeat customer now!"

Recent Work

Service Area

Premium Cleaning Services in Hampton area, NH

Payment Methods

Enjoy the ease and convenience of our electronic payment options, including online transfers and digital wallets.

With just a few clicks, you can securely complete your payment, making the process simple and efficient.

Fill out the form below and someone from our team will contact you as soon as possible.


Cancellation: Please let us know if anything happens and you have to cancel or reschedule within 24h before we come, or we will have to charge you full cleaning price!